Tuesday 25 October 2011

The TAZARA way!

What you see when you look out of the window is not always what you expect! Three o' clock in the morning was significant on all three nights. The first night we opened the windows even though it meant that someone might climb in at a station. The second night we were visited at 3 a.m. by Tanzanian immigration! Not exactly the scheduled time for crossing the border but riders can't be choosers. Followed two hours later by Zambian immigration all with eye blinding head torches. Just as well we were expecting them and just as well we had bought those Zambian visas in London. The South Africans among us didn't need visas! On the third night we were told that we were only 45 minutes from destination and they wanted the bedding!

The engineer among us currently seen to be hanging out of the window wanted to know EXACTLY  how everything worked. Here are the electrical connections to our coach. We only got lights well after dark when the electrician decided it was dark  (we were told). Such was the light that once it was on you might just as well go to bed since it was too dim to do anything by! 

This was where we cleaned our teeth every morning and sort of abluted! 

Another toilet as there was more than one on the train. No it has not got blue carpet on the floor. In fact shoes on wet floor when trying to sort of squat when train jolts makes for very precarious falling backwards! 

Ed and Terry were fascinated by this contraption. See image below for full explanation! 

Never travel without one. 

Every compartment had several sticks lying around the place. Mystery revealed when Clever came to show us that stick was needed to hold up window. No stick for shutters which had a tendency to fall down unbidden thus simulating an unexpected guillotine! 

Ahhh! Well it was chilly on the first morning !

Contemplating another day on Tazara! 

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