Thursday 17 November 2011

The hills are alive with the sound of laughter...

Over the years since 1964 we have had 6 reunions. We reckon the older we get the more often we ought to meet! Bert 79, Terry and Don 70, Ann 66, Jessica, Gay and Kathy 65, and Ed 63 very soon! Between us we have 6 daughters and four sons as well as ten grandchildren. Just thought you might like a few vital statistics and those are all the statistics you are going to get!! Suffice it to say we have changed shape a little over the decades! Still beautiful though!

Kathy and Ann 

A farm dam. Anyone for a swim? Jessica and me had a swim in the murky waters! Ed went in later and tells us SOMETHING  nibbled his toe! Needless to say we only ventured in once!

Huts 5,6 ,7 and 8! 

Some of the beautiful Drakensburg mountains with Cathkin in the forefront. 

Jessica and Kath share a joke 

Now this is where the pictures tell the story... 

Only trouble is.... 

We don't know what the story was!
It's like something horrible has come out of the dam!

Too much leg but who cares! 

We've been together now for forty years 

And it don't seem a day too much 

The wonderful thing is..... 

It gets better every time we meet! 

We girls first met in 1964 when we were sweet young student nurses. We all within months of one another became committed Christians. All these years on and we are still walking with Christ and have known His love and grace through thick and thin. God has given to us all wonderful partners and children and as we stand here together we want to give testimony to the faithfulness of the God we love and worship. Ros, we love you and wish you and Rick could have been with us too.

Four of the lucky men who married the girls from Gaywood!

As for Terry he was our little ray of sunshine in his new orange tee shirt! 

I like a man who.... 

....who likes to laugh at his own jokes! 

Going to the birds

Meet Hooter the owl (sorry can't remember which one!) 

And Hugo the black eagle 

And the Harris hawks 

Keeping an eye on the birds... 

that owl again.... 

that's right! Hugo 

Hugo in flight 

Harris hawk in flight 

Don and Terry - twitchers par excellence!

The weekend was far too short but could not have been sweeter! Jessica and Ed returned to Pretoria without us as on the spur of the moment we decided to go and spend a few nights with the others. Loved our four days in Kwa Zulu.

Final adventure starts tomorrow morning at 6 a.m. when we take off to the Kalahari Desert for a week! Adios Amigos!

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