Sunday 9 October 2011

And now for the rest of the safari!

Now here is a fine bird! Apparently (and we saw them) these guys have very pink necks and legs when attempting to attract a lady. So now you boys know what to do!

Here we are! Me and my man in the land-rover together, always together.

To see this leopard was a dream come true for Jessica .
Herein hangs a tale!
Ed took the picture so well done Ed!

For the uninitiated this is a saddle-billed stork!
A little red in the face but that is they way God made him!

This is an anthill. They all seem to be made this way!

We are offering a prize for anyone who can tell us what this is!

For the McCarter clan a fine photo of the oldies!

And this my friends is the centre of Africa if you measure it from Cairo to Cape Town - the Tanzanian town of Arusha, 

Who says the British have the last word on afternoon tea?

And if you can't have a real one then we'll make you one to take home in your baggage. No we didn't buy it! 

The chihuahua of the deer family. The tiny dik dik.

So that's it for now. There will be other animals but we are in Zanzibar where it is all sea sea and sand sand and sun sun.


  1. Great pictures, especially the leopard & pyed kingfisher..

  2. Dad Ive seen you in nothing but that H&M shirt!! What a good find!!xx

  3. Awwww look at that sleeping cat Jick! I hope you see another one. Lovely pics.
