Sunday 9 October 2011

On Safari!

We had not expected to see the Masai in Tanzania!
So wonderful to see these lean and colourful herdsman.
We wondered whether the leanness was genetic! Or was there something we could learn from a simplicity of lifestyle?

Cattle crossing!

Masai craft on offer everywhere but no wall space in Pretoria or Borrowdale so no temptation. Just lovely to see!

Seeting off on our first Safari expedition with Sebastian at Lake Manyara. 

How's this for a pied beauty? A kingfisher of note. Ed took some wonderful bird pictures. You will have to wait for us to come home to see  them all!

Now here's a picture to cherish!
We heade the next day for Ngorogoro through thick mist and rain. At the top of the ridge there was a loo to be conjured with and conjure we did successfully! Who took this picture? We women had to be careful where we put our feet

A big bird going under the unlikely name of a Kori Bustard. Just be careful how you say it!

What a sweetie! Just sat there letting us take her picture. There were others but she was the most co-operative until......

.........she had clearly had enough!

The crater was the perfect place to live. Sebastian told us that the animals never need to leave because everything they need is there! Sounds like heaven n'est pas?

I love these guys with their perfect middle parting!

Picnic in the park only there was only one safe place to eat without the fear of getting eaten!

Raising the roof! 

A white backed vulture just casing the joint! 

The Ngorogoro Crater in all its loveliness in sunshine as we left it!

Queen of all she surveys! "And I say to myself what a wonderful world!"

Three guesses at what they were talking about!
Football of course and Liverpool is definitely the team of choice in Tanzania!
To my bemusement Terry claimed some sort of geographical allegiance!

More, much ,more later. Off to see Zanzibar now!
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