Thursday 27 October 2011

And then there were elephants!

A picture is worth a thousand words....

Q. Why does an elephant kneel down?
A. To pray of course or could it be to get ready to lie down or  to let someone get on his back. Elephants sleet either standing up or lying down just like some of us. 

Q. Does an elephant wrinkle his nose?
A. Absolutely! I was close enough to see this one do it! Like us every elephant's wrinkles are unique!  As are his tusks and poaching for ivory remains a huge problem throughout Africa. Even more endangered are the rhino for their horn.

Q. What is the gestation period for a baby elephant?
A. 20 months and you thought 9 months was a long time Liz! 

Q. Why do elephants paw the grass?
A. To loosen the short grass so that they can pick it up more easily with their trunks. 

 Q. What shape is an elephant's ear?
A. The shape of Africa of course! 

Q. Do elephants live longer in captivity or in the wild?
A. In captivity where everything is provided for them and there are no prey an elephant may live over 80 years but in Chobe the average age is nearer 50 

Q. Are elephants ever solitary?

A. A bull elephant who is no longer head wallah may take himself off and wander alone. Elephants will also leave the herd in order to die alone

Q. Are elephants dangerous?
A. Only when threatened or wounded. They always warn you when they are about to attack. 

Q. How do you know when elephants are nearby?
A. what a silly question! They have the largest you-know-whats in the jungle! They also wreak havoc on trees! 

Q. How many elephants might a female elephant give birth to in her lifetime?

A. At least four as she comes back on heat two to three months after giving birth


Q. do they cull the elephants in Chobe?
A. No. Unlike some other  conservation areas they allow nature to take its course.
Our guide told us that every now and then there events such as disease reduce the number of elephants and other game. He also told us that in Chobe elephants know that they do not need to fear humans.

I'm running out of questions so just enjoy the elephants! 

Q. One final question.......What do you call a lover of  elephants?

A. A Terrypye

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