Thursday 27 October 2011

Chobe in Botswana and the day we went!

What better way to describe our mood after the day we spent in Chobe. Botswana borders with Zambia and so we were able to go for a day trip from Bushbuck River House. For Terry and me it was a very special day as Ed and Jessica gave it to us as a birthday present for our two big birthdays this year. 

Once we had cleared Zambian  immigration (I think I know my passport number off by heart by now), we made our way to the banks of the Chobe River 

Our craft was a little more substantial than these wonderful dug out canoes but not nearly as classy!

See what I mean?

The other side of the Chobe! We really must take more pictures of Ed! 

 Setting off in the vehicle for Botswana immigration...........

............where we had to stamp our feet in the disinfectant for Foot and Mouth prevention 

The first order of the day was a three hour river safari...... 

Poor Jessica had a streaming cold but coped magnificently 

The joy of the river was how close we could get to the animals. they were not at all phased by the boat. I have never been so close to elephant in my life 

Apparently had we got off the boat they would have taken notice of us. As it is we simply sat tight and gazed with wonder love and praise at such great magnificent creatures.

Once upon a time there was an island. There it was in the middle of the Chobe River 

The people of Botswana wanted it because they could see it was good for animals and they loved animals. 

The people of Namibia wanted it because it was good for growing crops.
Clearly the wisdom of Solomon was needed. the island could not be divided because the animals would eat the crops and the people would kill the animals. But where could such wisdom reside?
It was found in the International Court of Justice who was summoned to the task. They scratched their combined head and came up with a plan. They measured the depth of the water either side of the island to determine the main flow of the Chobe river. It was found to be on the Namibian side of the island and thus it was deemed that the island belonged to Botswana. thus it became a paradise for all animals who could swim to and fro or who did not like to swim but found themselves on the island anyway. Safely they graze with all they need quite safe from predators except for the Nile crocs!

After lunch at the lodge we went out on the land for a safari. Our guide obviously loved his job and we learned much from him. I think we were all impressed with the way in which the people of Botswana treasure, protect and nurture their game and the respect that they have for the creatures in their care. 

Happy Birthday Terry and Gay. Thanks Jicky and Ed for a wonderful day. CHOBE - worth waiting for! 

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