Thursday 13 October 2011

A last look at Zanzibar....sadly!

We are writing to you again from sultry Dar es Salaam whither we repaired on a ferry,

May we introduce you to the owner of Lamgi Langi  - one Sele - very proud to be a Raster and signs evereything with "we love you". For some reason Sele liked us very much. So much so that Terry and I got invited to move to a lovely room for our last night and he cooked us a marvellous dinner as his guests last night . What a star. Sele we love you!

Sele sharing his recipes and his philosophy of life!

Jessica is always making friends. this time with the man who  made sure we had our ferry tickets!

Filling in yet more cards telling who we are and where we live and when we were born and whether we are male or female and then of course passport numbers. You would think we knew all that stuff by now but some of them we just can't remember!

On the way to the ferry my shoe broke. Rather in despair I wandered into a tiny shop and there found super-glue. Now there may be something you don't know about Terry, he is passionate about all glues and specially super glue. No he doesn't sniff them but just loves to have them to hand. One touch of this stuff and not only was my shoe mended but I almost had to wear my fingers on my toes! Really super duper glue and Gay happy again in her Fitflops.

Kilimanjaro 2 that ferried us safely on very rough seas ploughing through torrential tropical rain to Dar where
 Ed McCarter took on the porters of Africa and gave them short shrift for their solicitation of exorbitant fees. 
And where we were delighted to see the pick up man to get us out of the madding crowd! Welcome back to Dar and hey ho for tomorrow and thr train. Over and out. I am off to my bed. the others went ages ago!


  1. Hey does that guy in the striped shirt have an iphone?

  2. We family here in the uk are missing terry pye's dry humour too. Come back soon dad!!!! We love you both very much and hope train journey is superb...if anything you shall have lots to giggle about after the whole experience as we do for all Pye holidays. Miaya just had her porridge and Conrad back at work so things looking good. xxxx

  3. Dad you lookin thin! Cant wait to read your journal. x You can leave that one to me when you go to glory!!! xx
