Thursday 13 October 2011

Zanzibar - "We love you"

What a lovely fellow he is. Terry has been keeping a wonderful journal  so another one for the children to draw lots for. Seriously, he is going a wonderful shade of brown and keeps us all happy with that dry Pye humour. Terry "we love you".

Langi Langi beach in the evening. Actually the name refers to Ylang Ylang which the initiated will know is a perfume. We saw these lovely and fragrant flowers growing on the spice farm

Zanzibar is so wonderfully colourful. We had a day of torrential rain so it is no wonder that the island is so vibrant with life and colour. Bougainvillea was so much part of my childhood and growing up in Africa.

Zanzibar is almost completely Moslem and the woman and children are dressed in marvellous colours head to foot of course. They do not like being photographed so was able to take this photo from a distance.
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