Tuesday 11 October 2011

Spice farm bonus !

Butterflies everywhere at this amazing family spice farm

Diligent David spent the whole hour of the tour
weaving leaves into special things

Pillau rice starts off with cardamon
Getting the answer

Different ones all stored up in our cones of leaves

Members of the spice farm family?

This lipstick fruit is for the gals. (Liz similar to the stuff we used to put on our nails in Korea!)

The beginning of the lipstick tree looking like so many hungry mouths

Loads and loads of lemon grass

Cloves are EVERYWHERE- the main export

Breadfruit was all those poor slaves were ever given before the tortuous jouney to the East.

None of us guessed that this kakao fruit is the beginning of the world's love affair with choccy!

After taste of these was worth all the fire of these chillies

Bulbous beautiful cardammon

King Terry crowned and tied with the result of David's diligence

And now Kinged  and tied Ed with queen Jessica
 play their part in the spice tradePosted by Picasa

Rashid gave us a real spice tea at the end of the tour

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