Tuesday 11 October 2011

Welcome to Langi Langi!

The place where we first saw the blue sea and the place definitely to eat breakfast even though this morning the rain was driving in across the sea.

Another of Ed's masterpieces at the end of our first afternoon at this lovely place

What a beach. The sand is pure white and clean as a whistle though Terry still doesn't want to get his feet inot it! Jessica and |Gay swam at this very spot yesterday afternoon.

Yesterday we had thought we might go out in a BOAT but if this rain keeps up today we shall need a boat to get back to our bungalows!

Can I welcome you to a bower set out in readiness for Ed and his lady love? |Before I saw the picture I did not realise that we had not had any flowers on our bed! I have complained to the management!

As for all the best love perches, best to be screened off from the world and in this case from the mosquitoes!

You can just see the end of our dining area

Us from the front

Can't get enough of this sea view

Just some local people who love to mess around in boats and earn a living at the same time.

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