Friday 7 October 2011

Still trying to catch up!

So here we are on the night before we left Pretoria. Seems like a month ago now. I thought you might like to see us in chill mode together with Caleb while Ed and Jessica dashed hither and thither getting their stuff together much as we had done in UK. Amazing how little you can manage with when you really try! It was chilly and I was still trying to shake off whatever bug it was that I brought with me from UK

Hey Sally! This is for you!

In swahili  KARIBU  MEANS WELCOME  and so we have been!
Teery and Ed have really taken to the local brew and declare it a winner though Terry would not let me buy him a tee shirt yesterday that read

Quite right too!
And that includes our wonderful game photographs that Ed has been taking!
Another game drive this morning and we shall send you our best selection from Zanzibar tomorrow! 

We were driven from Kili airport to Arusha  - the centre of Africa if you measure from Cape to Cairo.
There in the Kibo hotel we were briefed in halting but gallant English by God Bless anxious that we should grasp what was going to happen to us at the hands of Leopard Tours! Incidentally, our porter was called Good Luck!
Please note the rapt attention! Would that congregations, children and grandchildren were always that enthralled!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely seeing the photos of you both. You look like you are having an amazing time. xxx We miss you
